Steps for processing GCO requests*

1. The proponent must first coordinate with the facility to which communication is requested to obtain written approval for communication via the Ground Communications Outlet (GCO). The receiving Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) facility shall forward a copy of the request and their recommendation, concurring or non-concurring, with the proposal to Air Traffic Division, Requirements Branch, AGL-510.

2. AGL-510 will review the facility's recommendation and provide Air Traffic Division, AGL-500, written concurrence or non-concurrence back to the proponent. A copy of this response will also be provided to the FAA facility. This approval letter must be submitted as part of the Non-Rulemaking Airports (NRA) airspace package.

3. Submit an NRA airspace case on the GCO to the appropriate Airports District Office (ADO) or Block Grant Status (BGS).

4. The ADO or BGS will coordinate the request with the following offices:

  • Chicago Flight Procedures Office (CHI FPO)
  • AGL-470, Operations Branch
  • AGL-520, Airspace Branch, for making and lighting determination

5. CHI FPO, AGL-470 and AGL-520 will provide comments back to the ADO or BGS.

6. The ADO or BGS will advise the proponent of the approval status and any marking and lighting requirements.

7. Upon receipt of the approval the proponent may begin construction of the facility, provided the guidance and conditions of the approval have been complied with.

8. The proponent is required to obtain a valid Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license prior to operating the GCO facility. A copy of the GCO approval letter should be included with the FCC license request.

* Great Lakes Regional Policy for Processing GCO requests.